News Item – Reducing antipsychotics helps improve lives of seniors in care: study

The Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement, a non-profit group that works with health-care providers to improve the system, has released results from a program it launched in 2014.

CFHI’s senior director, Kaye Phillips, says about 62 per cent of seniors in long-term care have dementia, a condition that creates behaviours that staff at these facilities sometimes have trouble managing.

“Often what comes with dementia, you will see confusion, resistance to care, aggressive or disruptive behaviours,” Phillips told CTV‘s Canada AM.

To try to calm these behaviours, many seniors are prescribed antipsychotics, even if they aren’t actually suffering from psychosis.

In fact, research has shown that 27.5 per cent of seniors in long-term care facilities are taking antipsychotics without a psychosis diagnosis.

Full article at: CTV News