The 3rd Johns Hopkins Symposium on Healthcare Operations: Building Resilient Healthcare Supply Chains for the Next Pandemic
Sponsored by Hopkins Business of Health Initiative
The Johns Hopkins Symposium on Healthcare Operations (JHSHO), started in 2016, features global thought leaders from both academia and practice. The third symposium, sponsored by the Hopkins Business of Health Initiative, focuses on supply chain resilience, an urgent mandate emerging from painful and teachable moments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This symposium features pioneering supply chain scholars — including Willy Shih (Harvard), David Simchi-Levi (MIT), Christopher S. Tang (UCLA), and Sridhar Tayur (Carnegie Mellon) — and government speakers from CDC (Maryann D’Alessandro), FDA (Tammy R. Beckham), and HHS (John Fredenberg and Bryan Heartsfield) to spotlight cutting-edge research in supply chain resilience and develop pandemic-proof supply chain solutions.
Full details at: Johns Hopkins University Carey School of Business