Our faculty are immersed in various areas of research, including operations management, human factors, statistical analyses, and pandemic planning. They are renowned for developing solutions for a wide range of challenges in healthcare. Our students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty and other researchers, on projects that have practical application throughout the healthcare sector.
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Medical applications of operations research; Radiotherapy treatment optimization, Pandemic planning; Data mining to improve bone marrow transplant outcomes; Global optimization; Heuristic design; Parallel computing.
Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Patient safety; Systems equity; Maternal health disparities; Virtual environments.
Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Optimization; Heuristic search; Constraint programming; Scheduling; Hybrid algorithms; Dynamic and uncertain problems; Problem modeling.
Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Healthcare human resource planning and forecasting; Capacity planning; Operating room planning and scheduling; Wait list management; Healthcare system modelling; Patient flow simulation; Cancer screening capacity; Clinic planning.
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Operations research; Optimization under uncertainty; Mathematical programming; Probabilistic analysis of systems; Applications to radiation therapy; Healthcare operations; Sustainability; Sports analytics.
Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Human factors approaches to information technology; Mobile computing; Healthcare ergonomics; Social computing; Advanced user interface design; Smart internet and personal web. Applications to healthcare and e-commerce.
Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Machine learning; Heuristic search; Data mining; Applications in automated planning; Natural language processing; Software engineering.
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Human factors; Human adaptation to technology; Designing feedback for guiding operator behavior; Driver distraction mitigation; Statistical modelling of crash data; Decision support for emergency medical transport; Interruptions in intensive care settings; Unmanned vehicle supervisory control.
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Application of simulation techniques to health care and manufacturing; Ontario electricity market; Interfaces between operations research and information systems.
Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Machine learning; Integer programming; Algorithm design; Learning to optimize; Combinatorial machine learning.
Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Various logistics problems; Sequential decision making theories; Financial theories applied in manufacturing and service sectors; Market-driven conflict resolution; Optimal pricing; Marketing; Information system control and design.
Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Human factors issues related to navigation; Manipulation and control in 3D environments; Human-machine interfaces for teleoperation; Human factors issues in medicine, especially surgery and anaesthesiology; Modelling of attentional workload.
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Human-automation interaction; Automation in health care; Systems for health equity and patient safety.
Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Operations research; Optimization; Health policy; Healthcare operations; Machine learning; Epidemic control; Scarce resources.
Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Machine learning and large-scale data analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI); Information retrieval; Social media; Recommender systems; Sequential decision optimization; Operations research; Smart cities applications.
Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering
Research areas: Applications of queueing theory to healthcare provider staffing; Modelling and control of patient flow in emergency departments and inpatient wards; Healthcare supply chain management.