Posts Categorized: COVID-19
The shortage of equipment in Ontario could come even sooner, according to Dionne Aleman, an associate professor of industrial engineering and CHE affiliate at the University of Toronto who develops models to predict the spread of a virus in a…
Dr. Dionne Aleman, an associate professor and CHE affiliate in the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, researches which actions are likely to slow the spread, and by how much, through her pandemic models. Aleman works in…
Une levée prématurée des mesures de distanciation sociale pourrait en effet entraîner une deuxième vague de cas de COVID-19 plus tard cette année, selon une modélisation mathématique publiée mercredi dans The Lancet. Ces données préliminaires suggèrent que les Canadiens devraient…
With the wide range of engineering disciplines, examples abound of how engineers’ research can help during a pandemic. For example, Andrew Trivett from Sustainable Design Engineering at UPEI, along with his colleagues, is conducting conducting research to adapt a hand-held,…
Scott Thompson spoke with Professor Dionne Aleman of the Medical Operations Research Lab and the Centre for Healthcare Engineering at the University of Toronto, to find out more about the measures taken by Taiwan to track and contain the spread…
“We can’t let down our guard once transmission rates seem to stop and the number of infections and deaths start decreasing. As soon as you lift the social distancing measures, you’re basically allowing the disease to start spreading again,” Dionne…
As the global response to COVID-19 unfolds in real time, public health officials are urging unprecedented measures in order to “flatten the curve.” But how do we know which actions are likely to slow the spread, and by how much? The answer is a pandemic model…
As the global response to COVID-19 unfolds in real time, public health officials are urging unprecedented measures in order to “flatten the curve.” But how do we know which actions are likely to slow the spread, and by how much? The answer is pandemic…
University of Toronto’s Dionne Aleman, a CHE faculty affiliate, explains how dire the ventilator shortage is in Canada and if people should be worried. Video available at: CTV News
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