Dionne Aleman, an associate professor and CHE affiliate at the University of Toronto who specializes in mathematical models for pandemic prediction, said the IHME model is “simplistic” and does not account for regional differences across the country.
Full article at: CTV News (September 26: Head Topics, iHeart Radio 100.3, iHeart Radio BOB FM 103.7, iHeart Radio CFAX, iHeart Radio Dock 92.3, iHeart Radio Newstalk 610 CKTB, iHeart Radio QMFM, iHeart Radio Pure Country, Knowledia, News AKMI, Newscaf, RokzFast, Traptown News Media, Unfold Times, WorldNews.net, WorldNewsEra)
- 新模型警告:加拿大的死亡人数年底可能达到16,000人 市中心三家餐馆被勒令关闭 {New model warns: The death toll in Canada may reach 16,000 by the end of the year} (Chinese News Group, September 26)
- 按照目前的疫情 到年底加拿大可能要死这么多人 {According to a current epidemic model, many more people may die in Canada by the end of the year} (September 27: 51.ca , 6 Park News, Cbeiji.com, Chinese Real Estate Weekly, iask.ca, LondonChinese.ca, SinoQuebec Media; September 28: CFC News)
- 今年年底 加拿大可能有1.6万人将死于新冠 {By the end of this year, 16,000 people in Canada may die from the new coronavirus} (September 27: BCbay.com)
- 最新模型预测:加拿大今年底新冠死亡16000人 {The latest model predicts: 16,000 deaths from the new coronavirus in Canada at the end of this year} (September 27: YorkBBS.ca; September 28: Have8.tv)
- 告急!加拿大今年可能要有1.6万人死于新冠病毒! {Urgent! There may be 16,000 deaths from the new coronavirus in Canada this year!} (September 27: CareerEngine.us)
- 单日新增破纪录!加拿大第二波疫情或有7000人死亡 {New record for a single day! Canada’s second wave may cause 7,000 deaths} (Lahoo.ca, September 28; TW Great Daily, September 29)
- 美国专家预测:加国明年1月前超16,000人染疫亡 {U.S. experts predict: Over 16,000 people will die in Canada by January next year} (September 28: Epoch Times)