First Place & The Peri Family Industrial Engineering Design Award: Stop the Spread: COVID-19 Public health Policy Decision Support
Project Team: Olivia Bierman-Dyk, Clara Birch, Jean Carlos Cedeno Bravo, Catherine Grace Lloyd
Client: Medical Operations Research Lab, University of Toronto Supervisor: Dionne Aleman
The Medical Operations Research Lab (morLAB) at the U of T has been engaged by a provincial public health department to assist in making informed decisions about COVID-19 policies. Together, they integrated real public health data provided by the province into the morLAB Pandemic Outbreak Planner (morPOP). To bridge the gap between Public Health’s expertise and the complex simulation model output, the design team created a decision support system (DSS) consisting of a statistical analysis to determine the most effective policies and a user interface to display the results.
Second and Third Places in industrial engineering also awarded to teams under the supervision of CHE affiliates.
Full article at: U of T MIE News