Posts Categorized: COVID-19
Dionne Aleman, a University of Toronto professor, CHE affiliate and expert in pandemic modelling, points to early studies that show B117 to be about 50 per cent more transmissible than previous variants. “We need to be that much more cautious…
Dionne Aleman, a University of Toronto professor, CHE affiliate and expert in pandemic modelling, said the data shows that it’s still to early to set a date for when Toronto, or even the GTA, should reopen. “There’s definitely reason for…
“The daily numbers of new cases are a significant underestimation of real COVID prevalence,” said Dionne Aleman, professor of industrial engineering and CHE affiliate at the University of Toronto, in an interview with Global News. Aleman has worked on COVID-19…
But Dionne Aleman, a University of Toronto professor, CHE affiliate and expert in pandemic modelling, points to early studies that show B.1.1.7 to be about “>50 per cent more transmissible than previous variants.” “We need to be that much more…
“Preventing a third wave is all about just reacting very quickly to increases in cases, and Ontario has shown that they’re not willing to react quickly,” said Dionne Aleman, a University of Toronto professor, CHE affiliate and expert in pandemic…
The University of Toronto’s Dionne Aleman, meanwhile, says “things will return to normal in a sort of a slow, phased approach.” Aleman, a professor of industrial engineering and CHE affiliate who’s worked on COVID-19 modelling predictions and planning, is hoping…
Dionne Aleman, a University of Toronto professor, CHE affiliate and expert in pandemic modelling, said the magnitude of the second wave was so large that it makes sense the number of second-wave deaths exceeded those seen in the first wave.…
“Just looking at ICU numbers, not even looking at projections but where we are right now with our hospitals, is standing on the edge of a cliff,” pandemic modeller and CHE affiliate Dionne Aleman said. “Fifty per cent of hospitals…
Libby Znaimer is joined by Dr. Dionne Aleman, an industrial engineering professor at the University of Toronto and an expert in contact tracing and pandemic planning, and Dr. Timothy Sly, an epidemiologist and professor at the School of Occupational and…
“A key to maximizing efficiency in these complex logistical operations is minimizing downtime or non-productive time,” said Director of the Centre for Healthcare Engineering at the University of Toronto Professor Timothy Chan, in an email to CTV Wednesday. “Retail…
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