Posts Categorized: COVID-19

Academic publication – Modelling resource requirements and physician staffing to provide virtual urgent medical care for residents of long-term care homes: a cross-sectional study

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak increases the importance of strategies to enhance urgent medical care delivery in long-term care (LTC) facilities that could potentially reduce transfers to emergency departments. The study objective was to model resource requirements to deliver…

News Item – COVID-19: A second wave?

Continuing with everyday life, while taking new precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic is our ‘new normal’. Social distancing, facemasks and working from home are all terms we need to grow accustomed to and while the daily cases have decreased and…

Opinion – Why is Ontario still locked down?

University of Toronto professor and CHE affiliate Dr. Dionne Aleman stated that “Younger people should not be comforted by statistics that show they are less likely to end up in hospital or die because of COVID-19. It is like rolling…
Showing 71 - 80 of 119 results