- Carter, M.W., Price, C.C. and Rabadi, G. “Operations Research: A Practical Introduction, Second Edition” CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL., 2018.
- Carter, M.W. and Price, C.C. “Operations Research: A Practical Introduction” CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, 2000.
- Burke, E.K. and Carter, M.W. (Eds.) “Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling PATAT ’97” Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1408, 1998.
Book Chapters
- “Timetabling” in: ‘The Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Sciences’, third edition (eds., Gass, S. and Harris, C.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2013.
- Carter, M.W. and Blake, J.T. “Using Simulation in an Acute Care Hospital: Easier Said Than Done” in: ‘Handbook of OR/MS Applications in Health Care’, Kluwer Academic Publishers International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (eds., Sainfort, F., Brandeau, M. and Pierskalla W.), 2004.
- “Timetabling” in: ‘The Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Sciences’ second edition (eds., Gass, S. and Harris, C.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Journal Special Issue Editor
- Brailsford, S., Carter, M.W., Harper, P. and Katsikopoulos, K. (Eds.) Special issue on Healthcare Behavioural OR, Journal of the Operational Research Society, June 2020.
- Carter, M.W., Golden, B.L. and Wasil, E.A. (Eds.) “Introduction: Applications of Management Science and Operations Research Models and Methods to Problems in Health Care”, Special Issue of Interfaces 39 (3) May-June 2009.
Report for the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
- “Aging in Ontario: An ICES Chartbook of Health Service Use by Older Adults” Bronskill, S.E., Carter, M.W., Costa, A.P., Esensoy, A.V., Gill, S.S., Gruneir, A., Henry, D.A., Hirdes, J.P., Jaakkimainen, R.L., Poss, J.W. and Wodchis, W.P. September 2010.
- “Predictors of Workload in the Emergency Room: THE POWER STUDY PHASE 1” Principal Investigators: Dreyer, J.F. and Zaric, G.S.; Co-Investigators: Anderson, C.K. and Carter, M.W. October 2005.
Non-refereed Articles
- Carter, M.W. “A Canadian Network for Modeling and Simulation in Healthcare” Clinical Investigative Medicine 28(5), October 2005, pp. 318-319.
- Carter, M.W. “Health Care Management – Diagnosis: Mismanagement of Resources” OR/MS Today, April 2002, pp. 26-32.