- The Varsity, April 1, 2023 “Canada needs more doctors. Why is it so hard to get into medical school?”
- CBC Radio, May 22, 2021 “Made-in-Canada solution: ‘Hockey hub’ vaccine clinics are getting the job done faster”
- CBC News, September 27, 2020 “A little engineering, a lot of customer service: What it will take to fix COVID-19 test lineups”
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- Edge, Fall 2011 “Filling the gaps in seniors services: How Mike Carter and Ali Vahit Esensoy propose getting resources where they’re needed the most”.
- Hamilton Spectator, March 26, 2011 “St. Joseph’s preparing for more sick patient”.
- Hamilton Spectator, March 17, 2011 “City on track for worst ambulance shortage ever”.
- Business News Network, television interview, January 31, 2011 Healthcare delivery and efficiency, and cutting costs.
- The Globe and Mail, April 7, 2008 “Stepping Up to Improve Healthcare”.
- ADVANCE for Speech-language Pathologists & Audiologists 15(6), February 7, 2005 “Operations Research in Health Care: New perspective yields better decision-making”.
- Medical Post 40(1), January 6, 2004 “Modelling Health Care: A Toronto engineering professor is working on computer simulations to try and improve how hospitals operate”.
- Industrial Engineer 35(12), December 2003 “Hospitals biased against optimization: Simulation, sound management could reduce expenditures”.