- Doudareva, E. and Carter, M.W. “Using discrete event simulation to improve performance at two Canadian emergency departments” Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (eds S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo and M. Loper), December 2021, 12 pp.
- Busby, C.R. and Carter, M.W. “Benefits of a broader view: Capturing the hospital-wide impact of surge policies with discrete-event simulation” Health Care Systems Engineering (HCSE, Montréal, Canada, May 30 – June 1, 2019, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 316), Eds.: V. Bélanger, N. Lahrichi, E. Lanzarone, S. Yalçindağ, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, pp 41-51, ISBN 9783030396947.
- Hu, A., Hawa, T., Kutob, D. and Carter, M.W. “Planning for the future: using industrial engineering methodology to predict future resource needs for rehabilitation pharmacists” GTA Rehab Network Best Practices Day, May 3, 2019.
- Busby, C.R. and Carter, M.W. “Data-Driven Generic Discrete Event Simulation Model of Hospital Patient Flow Considering Surge” Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (W.K.V. Chan, A. D’Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer and E. Page), December 2017, pp 3006-3017.
- [Abstract] Marshall, D.A., Vanderby, S., Frank, C., Enns, E., Kulin, N., Wasylak, T., Mosher, D., Noseworthy, T., Rogers, P., Maxwell, C., Rohleder, T., Pykerman, K. and Carter, M. “Simulation modeling with system dynamics (SD) to plan osteoarthritis care delivery in Alberta” Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 21(supplement), 2013, pp. S167-S168.
- Beeler, M.F., Aleman, D.M. and Carter, M.W. “A Large Simulation Experiment to Test Influenza Pandemic Behaviour” Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (eds., C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose and A. M. Uhrmacher), December 2012, 7 pp.
- Hahn-Goldberg, S. Carter, M.W. and Beck, C. “Dynamic Template Scheduling for Problems with Uncertainty: A Case Study on Chemotherapy Outpatient Scheduling” Proceedings of the Society for Health Systems Conference, Las Vegas NV, February 2012.
- [Abstract] Marshall, D., Vanderby, S., Enns, E., Frank, C., Wasylak, T., Mosher, D.P., Noseworthy, T., Rogers, P., Maxwell, C., Sundaram, A., Carter, M. “Simulation modeling with system dynamics (SD) using real-world observational data to plan osteoarthritis care delivery in Alberta [abstract PMS89]” Value in Health 15(4), 2012, p. A34.
- Beeler, M., Aleman, D. and Carter, M.W. “Estimation and management of pandemic influenza transmission risk at mass immunization clinics” Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix AZ, December 2011, pp. 1117-1124.
- Beeler, M., Aleman, D.M., Carter, M.W. and Schwartz, B. “Improving Influenza Pandemic Mitigation Policy through Agent-based Modeling and Simulation” IERC Proceedings of the 61st Conference of the IIE, Reno NV, May 2011. (invited paper)
- Alverez, R., Sandoval, G.A., Carter, M.W. and Brown, A.D. “Allocating surgeries to a block time: a heuristic method to estimate the probability distribution of the total schedule duration by summing random surgical times” Proceedings of the 34th Operations Research Applied to Health Services Conference, Toronto ON, 2008.
- Ketabi, S. and Carter, M.W. “Efficiency Ranking of Cardiac Care Units by Data Envelopment Analysis” Proceedings of the 34th Operations Research Applied to Health Services Conference, Toronto ON, 2008.
- Jin, H., Saunders, M., and Carter, M.W. “Sensor localization in 3D” The Eighth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005.
- Sadat, S. and Carter, M. “Models of Health Care Systems: Advantages and Disadvantages” First International Management Conference, Tehran, Iran, December 29-31, 2003.
- Wong, C., Geiger, G., Derman, Y., Busby, C., and Carter, M.W., “Redesigning the Medication Ordering, Dispensing and Administration Process in an Acute Care Health Sciences Centre” Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans LA, December 2003.
- Fernandes, D.J.T., Schull, M.J., Carter, M.W. and Zaric, G.S. “Simulating Different Emergency Departments Toward a Better Understanding of Patient Length-of-Stay” The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (IHSPR) Symposium: “Strengthening the Foundations: Health Services and Policy Research – Canadian Health Care”, Montréal QC, 2003.
- Eshghi, K., Carter, M.W. and Abrham, J., “Construction of alpha-Valuations of Special Classes of Two Regular Graphs” Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS Annual Multiconference on Applied and Theoretical Mathematics, Cairns, Australia, December 2001.
- Yu, X., Lau, E., Vicente, K.J. and Carter, M.W. “Advancing Performance Measurement in Cognitive Engineering: The Abstraction Hierarchy as a Framework for Dynamical Systems Analysis” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Santa Monica CA, HFES, 1998, pp. 359-363.
- Yu, X., Lau, E., Khayat, R., Vicente, K.J. and Carter, M.W., “Ecological Interface Design and Long Term Adaptation: Information, Coordination and Execution-Driven Control” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Intellectual Human Activity Support for Nuclear Applications, Institute for Physical and Chemical Research, Wako-Shi, Saitama, Japan, November 1997, pp. 81-92.
- Gordon, D., Kunov, H., Dolan, A. and Carter, M.W. “The Development of a Balanced Scorecard Information System” Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Association of Management, Toronto ON, August 1996.
- Blake, J.T., Carter, M.W. and Shamian, J. “Resource Allocation Under Prospective Payment” Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Computers in Health Care (eds., J. Moehr and F. Lau), Toronto ON, COACH, 1996.
- Asa, A., Carter, M.W. and Nagle, L. “A Decision Support System to Meet the Fluctuating Needs of a Hospital Nursing Unit” Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics MEDINFO 95. Medinfo (8 Pt 2):1418.
- Gordon, D.B., Marafioti, S., Carter, M., Kunov, H. and Dolan, A. “The Electronic Patient Record: A Strategic Planning Framework” Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics MEDINFO 95. Medinfo (8 Pt 1):296.
- Blake, J.T., Carter, M.W., O’Brien-Pallas, L.L. and McGillis-Hall, L. “A Surgical Process Management Tool” Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics MEDINFO 95 (ed., R. Greenes), International Medical Informatics Association, Vancouver BC, 1995. Selected as the outstanding paper in the area of Process Management.
- Blake, J.T., Carter, M.W. and Richardson, S. “Analyzing Emergency Room Wait Time Issues Via Computer Simulation” Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the Canadian Organization for the Advancement of Computers in Healthcare, Canadian Association for the Advancement of Computers in Healthcare, Vancouver BC, March 1994, pp. 39-42.
- Hu, S.X. and Carter, M.W. “A Component Peel Arrangement Problem” Proceedings of the 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Detroit MI, August 1993, pp. 190-193.
- Carter, M.W., Laporte, G. and Chinneck, J.W. “An Introduction to EXAMINE: A Flexible Examination Scheduling System” Conference Papers: Selected Sessions of the 1993 AACRAO Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, April 1993, pp. 223-234.
- Carter, M.W., O’Brien Pallas, L.L., Blake, J.T., McGillis, L. and Zhu, S. “Simulation, Scheduling, and Operating Rooms” Proceedings of the 1992 Simulation in Health Care and Social Services Conference (ed., J.G. Anderson), Simulation Council Inc., San Diego CA, 1992, pp. 28-30.